CALL YOUR TRAINER ANYTIME YOU NEED HELP OR HAVE A QUESTION / ISSUE REGARDING TRAINING. The direct office line is 239.225.1371. If for any reason your trainer is unavailable they will leave instructions on how to get training advice on my outgoing voicemail message.
PRACTICE THE “GREEN ZONE EXERCISES” DAILY. Like drinking water and eating vegetables, you cannot overdo these exercises. If you have great expectations for your dog and Bark Busters, be sure your commitment to training surpasses your expectations. There is no substitute for hard work. The good news is these exercises are easy! The hard part is remembering to do them. So to that end, put post-it notes up to remind yourself to do door programming or claiming space. Use any kind of reminders that make sense to you, I just ask they do not cause harm to you, your dog, or your home.
Practice > Expectations
DEMONSTRATE LEADERSHIP AND WHEN NEEDED SPEAK DOG. Remember, we aren’t trying to scare or intimidate your dog. We are communicating in a canine way so you can educate him on the rules of your home. He may (and should) seem a little cautious or hesitant over the next few weeks and that’s all normal. We want your dog to view you as their protector, the pack leader, ultimately ensuring peace-filled life for your family. You can still give him plenty of love and attention, but he definitely needs structure, protection, and boundaries to be a happy dog (just like children). There’s nothing you could do wrong we couldn’t fix later so don’t be too hard on him or on yourself to get things “perfect”.
If you have any questions please call your trainer immediately.