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Sometimes on follow-up lessons, we hear, “my dog only behaves when you’re here.”  So should you act more like your trainer when they are gone or should your trainer act more like you when they are here?  Getting down to brass tacks here I have observed the following in my thousands of lessons.  Perhaps the client is not practicing enough or they have stopped speaking dog.  These issues are discussed in more detail in the Common Training Mistakes section.  From there this really does boil down to attitude.  Try having the attitude if IF your dog is going to bark and go nuts when the doorbell rings, it first has to get past you.  Try having the attitude that IF your dog is going to lunge and act aggressively on a walk, it first has to get past you.

Attitude is something you can learn and make your own.  Borrow your trainer’s attitude until you make it your own!

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