Do not rely on motivation to train your dog. The simple fact of the matter is some days you will not feel motivated to do so. Instead, rely on discipline to train your dog. Make training a part of your daily routine. In the following video, we use gold coins to represent when you are being proactive and training your dog. The more gold coins you pick up throughout the day, the easier living with your dog should be. Why? Well, we humans tend to work hard for recognition and love. While these items are important in the dog world, they are not as important as knowing who is in charge. Being in charge requires discipline to consistently demonstrate to your dog you are the best leader they will ever come across.
By training in the green zone, you are promoting a sense of calm throughout the entire day showing your dog that you are in charge, capable, competent leadership capable of not only loving them but also protecting them.
If you have any questions about this video, please call your trainer immediately.