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Boarding, Daycare, and Dog Parks

If you need a boarding or daycare facility, please make sure you are comfortable with the facility and staff.  Be sure to ask lots of questions about their training to recognize potential conflict amongst dogs.  Ask about cameras and what access you will have to review any video of a conflict in which your dog is involved.  Ask about insurance and injury liabilities.

As far as dog parks go, I don’t like them.  They are prison yards without any guards except the parents of the prisoners.  It has been my experience most dogs at parks are not terribly well socialized or behaved which is why their parents bring them to parks to get them socialized and tired.  Tired is of course mistaken for manners and being well behaved because when they return from the park to their homes their dog is tired and doesn’t really bother them much the rest of the day.  Tired is not the same as well behaved.  Learning social skills from those who have no manners or good behavior is also not possible.

We use dogs parks to work on dogs with lunging and other leash manners by working with your dog on the outside of the fence, never inside.  However, it is more desirable if we could enlist the help of a neighbor and their dog instead of going to the dog park because we want to work with your dog in familiar environments.

If you have any questions please call your trainer immediately.

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