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The Backleash Exercise

The Backleash exercise is a great tool to develop leadership through walking.  This exercise when executed properly will teach your dog to be more attentive and responsive to your body language.  We want the dog very keen you what you are doing more than any distractions (e.g. bunnies, bikes, coyotes, kids, dogs, cars, etc…).

Key Points:

  1. Only hold onto the BACK (the loop) of the leash.
  2. When your dog’s collar, passes the side-seam of your pants or shorts move to the BACK of the dog so you and the dog are facing the same direction and your hips are aligned with your dog’s hips (i.e., line up your belly button to your dog’s butt hole).
  3. BACK-up with purpose and we keep backing up until your dog is coming to you with ease.  We are trying to engage the checking sound of the collar (WE NEVER PULL THE DOG).

Take a look at how my stunt double and his pet perform this exercise.

A final note on the Backleash exercise; you cannot overdo this exercise.  It is easy to underperform this exercise.  Most times, should your dog continue to lunge and act up while on the leash, it is because this exercise has not been executed enough or with high enough standards.

If you have any questions please call your trainer immediately.

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